Tibetan herbs against depression - BUNDLES
original herbs
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1 pack
Standard price
£1.7 A DAY
of pure & natural herbs
21 days of supply
2 pack
17% OFF
SAVE £10.99
£28.99 PER PACK
£1.4 A DAY
of pure & natural herbs
42 days of supply
4 pack
30% OFF
SAVE £40.97
£24.49 PER PACK
£1.17 A DAY
of pure & natural herbs
84 days of supply

AWESOME “Tibetan Herbs”

Original antique blend of herbs is not like ridiculous express tea bags against depression produced and packed in pretty boxes at the factory which are world apart from natural Tibetan herbs for brew which we import from Tibet.

World Health Organization “WHO” accredited Tibetan herbs as a highly effective method of natural therapy against obesity, cellulite and depression and as a highly effective antioxidant.

If you keep thinking: “Live has no sense”, “I don’t want to do anything”, “I can’t do anything, so I don’t try anything”, “I don’t want to live”. Tibetan herbs will change all that.

One pack is enough for one small treatment (up to 3 weeks).

Finally overcome depression, fear, sadness, apathy, dejection, and helplessness. Change your attitude to problems which were and will be because live is live. But we can fight this effectively.

Product Description - natural antidepressant herbs

Paper bag of secret antique Tibetan herbs is bind by hemp line and locked down with original Tibetan cloister seal, which guarantee you originality. Tibetan Herbs against depression are blend of well-balanced herbs which have not been changed for the last hundreds years.

Genuine Tibetan herbal blend contain purely and simply natural herbs and there are no contraindications or restrictions to use it.

How to prepare Tibetan Herbs

Pour two tea spoons of Tibetan herbs against depression into glass and add boiling water. Brew under cover 10 minutes. Drink 3 times a day, between meals in equal gaps.

Depression: Tibetan Herbs “Riszz”

Manage, stop, fight your depression with our natural antidepressant herbs

After one completed treatment (4 packs) of our natural antidepressant herbs well-being is lasting for about 3-4 months.
Deep depression, sadness, sense of guilt, insecurity completely disappear and happiness, team spirit, self-respect, self-esteem, safeness, satisfaction, peace, desire to develop and work, confidence in success appear instead.

The herbs for depression we import from Tibet affect on your psychology and it is very important that do not stultify on risk assessments and problems.

Researches confirmed motivation impact by increase confidence, happiness and peace.

By contrast to other available depression treatments Tibetan herbs are free of chemicals and contain only natural herbs.

Our natural antidepressant herbs clear our body from toxins, improve quality of our skin, hair and nails and do not devastate our liver, reins and stomach.

What is also very important for our health and body due to large antioxidant and mineral salts content, Tibetan herbs lend support to rejuvenate by improve blood supply for our internal organs thereby also significantly increase our libido.

Copyright © Tibetan Herbs Ltd, 2025. All rights reserved.